Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Is it permissible to listen to Qawwali? – Assim al hakeem


Is it permissible to use Tampons? – Assim al hakeem


Dua in your own language in sujood and before making salam – Assim al hakeem


Can women wear perfume? – Assim al hakeem


How can a woman avoid free mixing when visiting family in a joint family? – Assim al hakeem


Is there any dua to be safe from Rapists? – Assim al hakeem


Benefits of Hijama / Cupping (17th, 19th or 21st of Islamic Lunar Month) – Assim al hakeem


Is going to a doctor Shirk as cure comes only from Allah? – Assim al hakeem


Significance of number 786 in Islam – Assim al hakeem


Praise Allah & Durood (Salutations) before making dua, should we do this in Salah as well Assimalhak


Is there any special reward for being buried in Jannatul Baqi or Jannatul Mualla? – Assim al hakeem


Can women register on matrimonial websites & Upload their photos? – Assim al hakeem


How to make up missed prayers due to working the night shift? – Assim al hakeem


Does Allah punish children for their parents deeds? – Assim al hakeem


Reciting Fateha in the graveyard for deceased & Reciting Quran for the deceased – Assim al hakeem


This World is Cursed & so is everything in it except Remembrance of Allah & Knowledge Assimalhakeem


Men who do not work rather they stay in the masjid all day long to worship Allah – Assim al hakeem


Having a dog is losing good deeds everyday equal to the weight of mount uhud – Assim al hakeem


Do Women have to cover head during Adhan, when eating, going 2 toilet, making wudu, read Quran Assim


Meditation – Assim al hakeem


Awrah of Women in front of other Women that needs to be covered – Assim al hakeem


After getting married should a woman obey her parents or her husband? – Assim al hakeem


Beer Shampoo – Assim al hakeem


Can we make wudu with Oil or Gel on our hair? – Assim al hakeem

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