Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


How can reverts or a layman know who the real scholars are? – Assim al hakeem


Can we pray Friday prayer at home with our family (during Coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown) Assimalhakee


Ruling on taking the deceased back to his/her homeland for burial – Assim al hakeem


Woke up late for fajr, can we pray the fard first and then the Sunnah? – Assim al hakeem


Words of guidance regarding Coronavirus COVID-19 – Assim al hakeem


Feeding the poor instead of fasting missed Ramadan days due to menses / period – Assim al hakeem


Can a very old & sick person pray without wudu, what about prayer of a senile person Assim al hakeem


Can a wife object to her husband’s decision? – Assim al hakeem


How to get a fatwa for divorce? – Assim al hakeem


Can we make dua for muslims and non muslims for protection against coronavirus? – Assim al hakeem


Where to place the hands in salah while standing? – Assim al hakeem


How and when to say AllahuAkbar (Takbeeratul Ihram) before salah? – Assim al hakeem


Man wants a hijabi & practising wife but his mother rejects her, is this haram? – Assim al hakeem


Can I give zakat to my sister? – Assim al hakeem


Halala marriage: divorced woman getting married to another man in order to marry 1st husband Assima


The true meaning of Jihad – Assim al hakeem


Does a Man require his parents approval for his marriage to be valid? – Assim al hakeem


Is it permissible to rent my car or house to someone if they may use it to do haram? Assim al hakeem


Is the Movie Contagion (2011) about Coronavirus, considered to be fortune telling? – Assim al hakeem


15th of Shaban, Shabe Barat – Assim al hakeem


Sunnah acts of worship in Shaban (Fasting) – Assim al hakeem


Is it permissible to make an independent sajda after salah to make dua? – Assim al hakeem


Why did Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam marry Ayesha at such a young age? – Assim al hakeem


15th of Shaban, Shabe Barat. Shabe Meraj – Assim al hakeem

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