Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Beard: Ruling on removing hair from the cheeks – Assim al hakeem


Is it mandatory to say Bismillah before making wudu? – Assim al hakeem


Can we use ear plugs or headphones to avoid noise while praying? – Assim al hakeem


Where to raise the hands when saying AllahuAkbar in 1st Takbeer: Ear, Shoulders or in between both?


What are the conditions of Salah ( Prayer)? – Assim al hakeem


Can Zakat be given throughout the year? – Assim al hakeem


Were the Prophet’s salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam Ruku & Sujood equal in length? – Assim al hakeem


Made an intention to fast the night before but didn’t fast, am I sinful? – Assim al hakeem


I don’t feel remorse, how can I feel remorse? – Assim al hakeem


Is it permissible to say Allahumma Ameen or Summa Ameen? – Assim al hakeem


My husband refuses to quit smoking, how can I advise him to stop? – Assim al hakeem


Can a woman wear makeup or adorn herself in public? – Assim al hakeem


My Parent is verbally abusive, how do I control myself from losing my temper? – Assim al hakeem


Permissibility of asking questions about the deceased – Assim al hakeem


Ruling on making up missed fasts (due to menses) – Assim al hakeem


About lockdown / curfew due to Coronavirus COVID-19? – Assim al hakeem


If gold is not 24k, is it zakatable? What if I have cash above nisab and gold below nisab Assimalhak


Difference between repentance and seeking forgiveness – Assim al hakeem


Gold plated accessories for men ( watches, eye glass frames etc) – Assim al hakeem


Can we go to a mixed gym ( Men & Women) – Assim al hakeem


Do I have to wash private parts to make wudu after passing wind & Is istinja part of wudu Assimalhak


Salat ut Tawbah (prayer of forgiveness) for general sins or a particular sin? – Assim al hakeem


Did the Prophets & Messengers of Allah ever sin? – Assim al hakeem


How to be an imam for leading my family in prayers (during COVID-19)? -Assim al hakeem

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