Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Can Muslims use the Paycheck Protection Programme? Ruling on using Credit Cards – Assim al hakeem


Free Mixing, Attending Free Mixed Gatherings – Assim al hakeem


Can we recite Quran from the Phone during Taraweeh? – Assim al hakeem


Is it advisable to fast during COVID-19 Pandemic? Coronavirus VS Ramadan – Assim al hakeem


Should we follow Umm Al Qura prayer timetable or Islamic Finder? – Assim al hakeem


Is it haram to take loans from the bank? Reward for lending money to others – Assim al hakeem


Can we make dua to Allah through Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam? – Assim al hakeem


Why is your name Al-Hakeem, as this is Allah’s name – Assim al hakeem


How can muslim authorities close our Masjids? – Assim al hakeem


Is connecting to open Wi-Fi permissible? – Assim al hakeem


Conspiracy theories, COVID-19, Illuminati etc – Assim al hakeem


What to do if imam makes sujood as sahu according to hanafi Madhab? – Assim al hakeem


How does a man and his wife or mother or daughter stand while praying in congregation? Assimalhakeem


What age should we train our children to fast? – Assim al hakeem


How to maximize this Ramadan during COVID-19? – Assim al hakeem


Scholars say everything is an innovation so why do they use cars, computers, internet Assimalhakeem


Divine decree behind disasters & A believer’s attitude towards calamities (COVID-19) Assim al hakeem


Is taraweeh an innovation (Biddah)? – Assim al hakeem


Is virtual khutbah permissible in Islam? – Assim al hakeem


Can we pray Friday prayer at home (Lockdown) – Assim al hakeem


Is Coronavirus a Plague? Dajjal & Plague would not enter Madina hadith – Assim al hakeem


How does Allah accept our deeds? – Assim al hakeem


What is the best dhirk to get closer to Allah? – Assim al hakeem


Posting and circulating fabricated & weak hadiths on social media – Assim al hakeem

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