Video Speaker: .Shaykh Abu Talha Dawood Burbank


Small Innovations Grow Big- Dawud Burbank


A Muslim Doesn’t Refute Muslims During War Against Kuffar! – Shaykh Abu Talha


The Companion of the Quran by Abu Talha


A Man Uttered a Word by Abu Talha


Understanding The Ijitihād Of Scholars By Abu Talha


Strive for whatever is of benefit to you by Abu Talha


Having Good Thoughts about Allah by Abu Talha


My dua is not answered by Abu Talha


Allah Owns Everything by Abu Talha


Paradise are not reached through deeds alone by abu talha


Understanding the Pre Decree Al Qadr by Abu Talha


calamities wipe away sins by abu talha


Knowledge that is wajib by Abu Talha


What is knowledge? by Abu Talha


Using Al Qadr Pre decree as an argument for one's Sins by Abu Talha


Belief in Pre decree al Qadar by Abu Talha


Recognising the favours of Allah and denying them by Abu Talha


Story of Urwa bin Az Zubair by Abu Talha dawood Burbank


Excellence of the Morning Fajr and Asr Prayers by Abu Talha


Ruling on Witr Prayer by Abu Talha


The Prophet ﷺ was given virtuous traits that no one other than him possesses by Abu Talha


Excellence of Standing in Prayer at Night by Abu Talha


Benefits of giving Zakat by Abu Talha


The Excellence of As Salat The Prayer by Abu Talha

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