Video Speaker: .Shaykh Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq


Argument of the Qur'an is the most simplest and straightforward… by Abu Iyaad


Addressing Anxiety and Grief.. by Abu Iyaad


Be in this world as thought you are a stranger or a traveller.. by Abu Iyaad


Righteous Deeds & Sins Leads to Necessities.. by Abu Iyaad


Life has a meaning to the believer… by Abu Iyaad


Meaning of the word Fitnah by Abu Iyaad


Tawheed and Seeking Forgiveness Istighfār by Abu Iyaad


Love of Leadership… by Abu Iyaad


Fitnah of shirk by Abu Iyaad


Al Uboodiyah Being a true Slave of Allah.. by Abu Iyaad


The Heart is in need of Allah.. by Abu Iyaad


Worship of Allah is a tremendous bounty…. by Abu Iyaad


Allah is the creator of All Causes…. by Abu Iyaad


Every arrogant person by necessity is a Mushrik… by Abu Iyaad


Seeking Forgiveness Enlargen one's Heart… by Abu Iyaad


The Atheists know there is a creator… by Abu Iyaad


Why we believe in the Unseen?.. by Abu Iyaad


Perfecting one's Uboodiyah…by Abu Iyaad


The Issue of the Soul.. by Abu Iyaad


The believers vary in their Emaan by Abu Iyaad


Freeing one's heart from the creation.. by Abu Iyaad


Enslavement to the Soul & the Shaytaan… Abu Iyaad


Causes and their effects…. Abu Iyaad


Bearing Hardships for the sake of Allah.. by Abu Iyaad

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