Video Speaker: .Shaykh Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq


The believers will be tested by Abu Iyaad


Refutation of Athesim by Abu Iyaad


The issue of Rizq and Tawheed by Abu Iyaad


Fruits of Taqwa by Abu Iyaad


Benefiting from one's Iman by Abu Iyaad


understanding infectious disease by Abu Iyaad


Your Dua will be answered by Abu Iyaad


Types of strangeness by Abu Iyaad


We hope in Allah and We fear our Sins by Abu Iyaad


Eternality of paradise and Hellfire by Abu Iyaad


Value of Life by Abu Iyaad


The power of Tawakul Upon Allah by Abu Iyaad


A Biography of Shaykh 'AbdurRahmaan as Saa'dee by Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafeeq


Preoccupying oneself with permissible things by Abu Iyaad


Following Right guidance by Abu Iyaad


Differing Between the Hearts Arises Due to Not Straightening the Rows by Abu Talha


Taking knowledge in stages by Abu Iyaad


Guidance & Misguidance is in the Hand of Allah by Abu Iyaad


The meaning of al Qadr by Abu Iyaad


Is minor shirk forgiven without tawbah by Abu Iyaad


The Only Certainty in Life is Death by Abu Iyaad


Why mockery of the deen is disbelief by Abu Iyaad


Benefits from the story of Abu Taalib by Abu Iyaad


When you ask then ask of Allah alone by Abu iyaad

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