Video Speaker: Reading - Recitation


What Does It Say In The Qur’ān About Homosexuality [Sodomy]


Duā Seeking Refuge From Leucoderma, Madness, Leprosy And Evil Diseases


Supplication upon receiving good or unpleasant news..


Duā for the protection against Shirk


Verify Your News Before You Spread it!


Hadith an’Nawawiyah | innovations | Rejected


urah Luqmān 31.16 to 17 | Advice to his son


Prophetic Duā | O Allāh! Safeguard My Deen, Dunya and ākhirah


سورة عبس | الشيخ صالح آل طالب إمام الحرم المكي


Inspiration and Motivation for the Youth in Learning the Book of Allāh


Ruqyah (Audio) treatment for Magic, Jinn possession, Evil eye, Envy ,Waswasa and its like


Surah Saf | سورة الصف


رقية المنزل والشفاء سورة البقرة، الصافات، يس، الواقعة، المعوذات، الإخلاص | القارئ عبد الرحمن الماجد


Dua for Leaving the Masjid┇Fortress of the Muslim┇Dua Series


Dua for Leaving the Restroom┇Fortress of the Muslim┇Dua Series


Dua for Leaving Home┇Fortress of the Muslim┇Dua Series


Dua for Undressing┇Fortress of the Muslim┇Dua Series


Dua for Wearing a New Garment┇Fortress of the Muslim┇Dua Series


توفيق المنجد تفريدة رمضان تجلى و ابتسم طوبى للعبد اذا اغتنم




The Punishments Of Hell-Fire In The Holy Qur’an


سورة لقمان | رواية خلف | عكاشة كميني


Surat Ash-Shuraa | Sh. Okasha Kameny


﴾Allah Will Exalt in Degree Those of You Who Believe & Those Who Have Been Granted Knowledge…﴿

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