Video Speaker: Lotfi Djafar


The Rules of Takfeer/ Lotfi Djafar


Meaning of kufr (disbelief) and rules of takfeer – by Lotfi Djafar


What you must know about Zakat by Lotfi Djafar


The Sunnah in the last 10 nights of Ramadan by Lotfi Djafar


Obligations of the Quran Upon Us by Lotfi Djafar


The fiqh of Zakat by Lotfi Djafar


Do we have to finish the whole Quran in taraweeh ? Lotfi Djafar


Meaning, Virtues, Benefits, Revelations, Foundations and Our Obligations to the Quran by Lotfi Djafar


The advice our sheikh gave us by Lotfi Djafar


The meaning and benefit of sending salutations upon the Prophet pbuh by Lotfi Djafar


Meaning of Taqwa in accordance to our Salaf by Lotfi Djafar


We’re the seventieth and last ummah. The virtue given to us with Ramadan by Lotfi Djafar


Why are they the forbidden /sacred months? By Lotfi Djafar


Few days left for Ramadan by Lotfi Djafar


Rules of Fasting (Fiqh) – by Lotfi Djafar


The correct meaning of Sharia Law, its Objectives, Virtues and more for beginners by Lotfi Djafar


The 15th night of the month Sha’baan by Lotfi Djafar


Allah Invites to the Abode of Peace by Lotfi Djafar


The Sunnah of the Prophet pbuh in the month Sha’baan by Lotfi Djafar


Heart touching verses from Surat Al-zumar by Lotfi Djafar (Rawdah Masjid Milton Keynes)


Repentance (Tawbah) and its Conditions. A must know by Lotfi Djafar Milton Keynes Masjid Al- Rawdah


Bid’ah (Innovations) unfortunately Some Muslims Commit in the Month of Rajab by Lotfi Djafar


The Truth About Death by Lotfi Djafar


The Squeeze of the Grave by Lotfi Djafar

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