Video Speaker: , Imam Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Bin Baz


V2:36- No one will intercede with Allah except with His permission Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V1:76- Ruling on imitating the Kafirs Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V2:37- Ruling on seeking Shafa`ah from the Prophet (ﷺ) or any other dead person Noor ala alDarb,…


V2:99- Ruling on offering vows at the shrines of Awliya (1) Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V2:90- Ruling on distributing food by the graves Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V2:88- Ruling on visiting shrines Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V2:29- Ruling on invoking other than Allah Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V2:41- Explanation of sections of permissible and prohibited Tawassul (1) Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V2:95- Ruling on making Tawaf around graves Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V2:53- Ruling on supplicating to Allah beside the graves of righteous people Noor ala alDarb,…


V2:52- Ruling on supplicating to Allah by virtue of the glorious Qur`an Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V2:28- Exposition that the exact location of the grave of Al-Khadir is unknown Noor ala alDarb,…


V1:10- Acting upon the meaning of ‘La ilaha illa Allah (there is no god but Allah) 1 Noor ala…


V1:9. Conditions and meaning of “La ilaha illa Allah 1 (1) Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V1:7- The most authentic books on Aqidah Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V2:42- Ruling on supplicating to Allah by the virtue of the high rank of the prophets and angels …


V2:98- Ruling on believing that Awliya benefit and harm Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V2:61- Ruling on Supplicating to Allah by Virtue of the Blessings of the Prophet (ﷺ) Noor ala…


V2:63- Ruling on people who predict the future Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V2:72- Ruling on making `Itikaf and Holding Circles of Dhikr by the Graves Noor ala alDarb, ibn…


V2:94- Ruling on holding celebrations by graves Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V1:6- How to rectify the Muslim’s Aqidah Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V1:1- Definition of Islam Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz


V1:24- The number of prophets and messengers Noor ala alDarb, ibn Baz

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