Video Speaker: Abu Abdillaah Khalif Abdis Samad Aden


Khutbah: The Qur’an Guides To That Which Is Best


Khutbah: All Men Are In Loss Except For


Khutbah: Exerting Oneself Of What Remains of These 10 Days In Worship & Abstaining From Sins


Performing Righteous Actions Only For The Sake of Allah


Khutbah: Qualities of The People of Knowledge


Taqwah (Fear Of Allah)


Mistakes Regarding The Prayer


Two Revelations From Allah: The Qu’ran & The Sunnah


Khutbah: Reminder On Verse 65 of Surah Maryam


The Importance of Righteous Actions & Repentance


Khutbah: The Reality of This Dunya


The Sacred Month of Muharram & ‘Ashura


Khutbah: Preparing For Ramadaan


Khutbah: Du’a Is a Worship


Understanding of Surah Fatiha


Beware of Lying & The Benefits of Truthfulness


Khutbah: Lack of Implementation of Knowledge & Its Effects


Khutbah: Aiding One Another In Al-Birr & At-Taqwa


Reminder On The Day of Judgement


Khutbah: Ponder Upon Allah’s Blessings!


Ways Of Protecting The Children From The Fire


Khutbah: Prophet Yahyah Sermon to Bani Israel Acting Upon Five Statements


The Importance of Time


Having Good Dealings With The People

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