Video Category: SECTS


A History of the Founders of Jama’at at-Tableegh


Refutation of the 6 Points of Jama’at at-Tableegh


Sayyid Qutb by Shaykh Ahmad bin Yahyâ an-Najmî


Sayyid Qutb by Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad


Sayyid Qutb by Shaykh Ibn Baz


One who praises Ahl-ul-Bid’ah belongs to them by Ibn Baaz


Al Kaffar – Shaykh bin Baaz


Are Jam’at ut-Tableegh From Ahl-us Sunnah? by Shaykh Salih as-Suhaymee


Jamâ’at-ut-Tablîgh, al-Ikhwân and Khawârij by Ibn Bâz


Zuhd Of The Salaf Refutation Of The Sufi’s Dr salah al Saleh


Evidence Refuting the Sufis who Believe in the Unity of Existence of Imam Ibn Taymiyyah


Yusuf Estes gets Schooled: Hasan as Somali Replies to the incorrect Statements made by Yusuf Estes..


Modern Day Sufi Deception – Abdulilah Lahmami


Does Real Islam Include Sufism and Shiism?


The Asharis Are Upon Baatil – Abul Hasan Malik


Super Shia : I eat Imam’s poop and drink his urine to enter paradise !


Is Nouman Ali Khan with Hamza Yusuf and the Sufi-Asharis?


Why We Should All Hate the Rafida Shia – Hasan Somali


URDU: Official Statement of Shaykh Wasiullah Abbas regarding Ismail Menk (English subtitles)


Deviated Sects: The easy way to know them!


Jahmi-Leaks: Yusuf Estes Remains Upon Jahmiyyah Late 2013

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