Video Category: SECTS


Methodology of Qutb and an advice to the Ikhwânîs


Ibn Uthaymîn about boycotting innovators


al-Fawzân about the so called “Jâmiyyah” sect


Cooperating with deviant groups in charity-work and Da’wah


Warning against an innovator by his name | bin ´Uthaymîn


al-Albânî about Qutb, Abdullâh Azzam and al-Ikhwân al-Muslimûn.


al-Albânî about al-Hawâlî’s “Dhâhirat-ul-Irjâ'” and Surûriyyah


He is a Surooree


Claimant To Salafiyyah Who Cooperates With Hizbis Is A Plague Among You by Shaykh ‘Arafat Muhammady


My Friend sits with the People of Innovation


Is it Permissible to Study the Quran with a Deviant?


Who would warn against Muhammed ibn Hadee except a Hizbee.


Some Scholars Attend the Conferences of People of Innovation – Shaykh Muhammed al-Madkhalee


al-Uthaymeen on working with the Islaamic Parties & al-Albaanee on unity with Ash’arees, Sufis…


Listening to the Tapes of the Innovators – Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi’ee


Boycotting and Staying Away from Ahlul Biddah | Shaykh Ahmed Bazmool


Shaykh Muhammad bin Hādī al-Madkhalī on those who Praise Innovators


Boycotting and Staying Away from Ahlul Biddah | Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan


How to Deal with the Repentance of an Innovator and When to Consider him Truthful? | Shaykh Rabee


Schools of Thought Among the Sufis by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Rabee ibn Haadee al-Madkhaalee


Beware of this Group – al-Mukhadilyoon | Shaykh Muhammad al-Madkhalee


Who are the Houthis? – Shaykh Zayd Al-Madkhali


Shia,Raafidah and their Aqeedah


Advice to Nouman Ali Khan (AQIDAH ISSUES) – Al’alaamah Dr. Raslan

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