Video Category: SECTS


How The Salaf Treated Innovators Khawarij, Shia, Qadariyah, Jahmiyah, Mu’tazilah – Sheikh Ar-Raslaan


URDU: Barelvism and Sufism ka Fitnah – Shaikh Anees ur Rahman Al Azami Omeri Madani


About the isma’iliyyah – Sheikh Abdul Azeez ibn Baz


When Does a Man Exit the Fold of Ahlus Sunnah VT – Sheikh Muqbil bin hadi al-Wadi’ee


URDU: Refutation of Sufi myth on the issue of Dhaati and ‘Atai (Personal and Bestowed) ! – Dr Murtaza bin Baksh


Mirza Gulam Ahmed Qadyani Ki Haqeqat By Sheikh Tauseef Ur Rehman Rashdi


We Will Never Gather Together With The Sa’āfiqah Until They Repent From What They Are Upon


URDU: Ilyas Ghuman Ko Jawab- Kya Ulma E Saudi Arab Faizal E Amaal Ko Mante Hai? Shaikh Tousif Ur Rahman


Nimr an-Nimr The Rāfidhi Has Excelled The First Pagan Arabs In Shirk – Shaykh Khalid Uthman al Misree


Mahdavia firqa by Shaykh Maqsood Ul Hassan Faizi


URDU: Ahle Sunnat Ke Barein Main Shion Ke Aqaid Sheikh Maqsood Ul Hassan Faizi


The one who defends them the homicide suicide bombers is one of them – Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan


Are the four Madhhabs among the 72 astray sects in hell – Sheikh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen


To warn against the scholars of Ahl ul Bid’ah belongs to the doctrine of the Salaf – al-Luhaydaan


The Masaajid of Ahlul Bid’ah are Cleaner! – Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan


About Jarh upon Ahl ul Bid’ah and the principles of ‘Adnan ‘Ar’ur – Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan


URDU: Qadiyaani ki Saazishen Shaikh Abdul Azeem Haskota Omeri Madani


URDU: Shia Kay Naam Dard Mandana Paigham (Imam Mehdi Ki Haqeqat) By Sheikh Tauseef ur Rehman


Refuting those who say The Shia are our brothers – Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan


The Hizbiyyah Has Taken Away the ‘Aql (Intellect) of The Deviants – Aboo Hafsah Kashiff Khan


Why the People of Sunnah Refute Innovators More Than Non-Muslims – Shaykh Salih Aal-Shaykh


Praying Jumu`ah in the Mosque of Innovators Instead of the Salafis – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool


What is the Ruling on Debating Innovators on TV, and Flattering Them Whilst Doing So? by Shaykh Sulayman Ibn Abdullah Aba Al Khayl


The Reality of The N.O.I. – Abu Qayla Rasheed Barbee

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