Video Category: SALAAH-PRAYERS


2 Surahs in 1 Rakah, same Surah in both Rakahs and 1 Surah more than once in a rakah – Assim al Hakeem


Salat Encourages Good Character and Prevents Evil Character – Shaykh Abdur-Razzaaq ibn Abdul-Muhsin Al-Abbaad Al-Badr


URDU: Aurat aur Mard ki namaaz mei kya farq hai? By Sheikh Maqsood Ul Hasan Faizi


Is Bismillah part of Surah al Fatiha?


Is it permissible to shuffle verses in the same rakah of the prayer


Ruling on verses of Sajdah in the quran


Do we need to recite anything while praying behind an Imam


I don’t like to pray, What I need to do?


Ruling on Praying behind the Imam of Makkah by watching the TV and best way of seeking forgiveness


Praying and finding impurity on clothes


The position of our hands in sujud


Salah of Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid


Pronouncing the letter Qaf in prayer


Why can’t we concentrate in prayers even in Ramadan?


Is it mandatory for me to pray in the masjid if I m living away


Being tired to pray Isha in the Masjed


What type of dog nullifies our prayer?


Reciting quranic supplications in the prayer (before salam)


Excuse for not praying in congregation


Al fatiha in prayer


The tawaruk position


Doing more rakas in prayer


Being outside the house and praying


Men and women praying in the same room

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