Video Category: SALAAH-PRAYERS


Can I pray fard prayer behind someone praying voluntary prayer or vice versa? – Assim al hakeem


Can I cover my head with a hoodie during salah / prayer? – Assim al hakeem


If a man does not pray in the masjid, are his prayers invalid? – Assim al hakeem


If an Imam has done Tayammum can he lead the prayer? – Assim al hakeem


Can I use my hands to pick something up while praying? – Assim al hakeem


Is it Mandatory to pray in the masjid? – Assim al hakeem


Can I walk in prayer, go left, right or go front or back when an empty space opens up Assim al hakeem


Can we pray the voluntary prayers aloud? – Assim al hakeem


Does touching one’s private parts during prayers invalidate the prayer? – Assim al hakeem


Reward for women praying at home better than at masjid, even in Makkah haram – Assim al hakeem


Training children to pray and to go to the masjid – Assim al hakeem


What are the things to recite in tashahhud? – Assim al hakeem


Is it acceptable to pray with animals logos on T Shirts, like Lacoste etc? – Assim al hakeem


Left praying or left making dua because Allah did not answer my dua! – Assim al hakeem


Is it permissible to sit while praying if you started praying standing? – Assim al hakeem


Who should lead the prayer? – Assim al hakeem


Itching, Shaking and Moving in Prayer – Assim al hakeem


What does Tahiyatul masjid mean and where did this name come from? – Assim al hakeem


Brown discharge after period & I don’t see sign of purity, when should I start praying? Assimalhakeem


Can we recite few Ayahs from one Surah & a few Ayahs from another in the same rakah? Assim al hakeem


What kind of talking is allowed while in prayer to alert or inform something? – Assim al hakeem


Why do we pray Dhur and Asr silently? – Assim al hakeem


Can we make dua after saying Rabbana wa lakal hamd after rising from ruku? – Assim al hakeem


Combining prayers during Ramadān | Imam bin Bāz

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