Video Category: SALAAH-PRAYERS


Is a Skull cap mandatory for the Salah to be valid? – Assim al hakeem


I finished tashahhud, Imam is yet to say the Salam, should I sit idle or say something Assimalhakeem


Can a second congregation be held at a Masjid right after the main congregation? – Assim al hakeem


If the Imam doesn’t say Ameen after Fateha, what should the followers do? – Assim al hakeem


Can we pray in front of a mirror? – Assim al hakeem


If I join the prayer while imam is in ruku position, without reciting Fateha? – Assim al hakeem


Should one recite the Fateha and another Surah while praying behind the Imam? – Assim al hakeem


Imam went to ruku before I could finish fateha in a silent prayer, What should I do- Assim al hakeem


What are the valid reasons to delay an obligatory prayer (Fard Salah)? – Assim al hakeem


What if the Imam forgets an Ayah in salah & no one is there to correct him? – Assim al hakeem


What is the correct way of holding the tashahhud finger? – Assim al hakeem


Right way of joining a congregation where the Imam is leading only one person – Assim al hakeem


When to say Ameen after Fateha, before the Imam says it or with the Imam or after? – Assim al hakeem


Should Ameen be said loudly or silently after fateha? – Assim al hakeem


Pausing & keeping the head in the middle for a few seconds in between the two salams Assim al hakeem


What should one say or recite before joining the congregation (Jamah Salah)? – Assim al hakeem


Things an Imam can say out loud to followers before starting the Fard Salah / Prayer Assim al hakeem


Some people raise their hands after saying tashahhud before making salam, is it permissible? Assim


If a person faints while praying what should people praying next to him do? – Assim al hakeem


At what age does praying become fard / mandatory? – Assim al hakeem


Where to look during tashahhud? – Assim al hakeem


Children leading the prayer before reaching the age of puberty – Assim al hakeem


The most burdensome prayers on the hypocrites – Assim al hakeem


Can duas from the Quran be recited in other parts of the prayer? – Assim al hakeem

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