Video Category: -GENOCIDE-Terrorism


Islam’s Reply to Extremism (and Terrorism)


ISIS is Not A Salafī Group by Shaykh ‘Ubayd bin Abdillāh Al-Jābirī


The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia warns against the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, & Jabhat un-Nusrah


The Salafi Response & Condemnation of the Terrorist Attacks in Paris, France by Shaykh Ubayd al Jaabiree


Advice to the Muslim Youth about the Terrorist Group ISIS (داعش – IS, ISIL, DAESH) by Shaykh al-Madhkhalee


The Reality of ISIS [DAESH] | حقيقةُ داعش – Shaykh Muhammad ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee


The Dangers of Extremism (ISIS – Al Muhajiroun – Zionists) – by Abu Usamah At-Thahabi


The Current Situation In Syria – by Abu Usamah At-Thahabi


Suicide Bombing In Islam by Sheikh Bin Baz


Revolting Against the Leaders is by Khawaarij by Shaykh Ibn Baaz


When do you Become a Terrorist? by Shaykh Ibn Bâz


Who are the Khawaarij? – Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Aziz bin Baaz


Suicide Bombing In Islam by Shaykh Ibn Baaz


Refutation of Anwar al-Awlaki Shaykh Ubaid al-Jaabireei


Al Qaeda And The Khawarije, Two Names One Ideology by Hasan Somali


Refutations Of The Khawarij 1


Refutations Of The Khawarij 2


Refutation of ISIS [DAESH] – Salafi Scholars




Collection- Misguided and Deviant Groups & Individuals

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