Video Category: -GENOCIDE-Terrorism


Today’s Terrorism & Suicide Bombings .Shaykh al Fawzân


The evidence of the terrorists – Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan


The story of the Boy and the King does NOT prove the permissibility of suicide attacks – Al-Fawzan


They are worse than Khawârij – Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan


On Abu Hamzah and Abu Qatadah – Shaykh Usmaah al Utaybi


URDU: Khawarij ki sifaat (signs of Khawarij) By Dr Ubaidur Rahman Madani hafizahullah


ISIS- داعش‎‎


Does Islam Promote Extremism & Terrorism? – Abu Zaid Zameer


Murdering the Saudi security men – Sheikh Abd al-Aziz Aal al-Shaykh


Warning Against Anwar al-Awlaki – Sheikh Ubayd Al-Jabiri


The Orlando Shooting: Salafi Muslims Respond | Abul Abbas Moosa Richardson


Warning the Youth of Canada from the Somalian Sect – al-Shabaab | Shaykh Muhammad al-Madkhalee


The Salafi Position Towards Those That Repent from Joining ISIS | Sh Sulaymān Abā al-Khayl


How to Dissociate Yourself from Khawarij (ISIS) – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool


Does ISIS Derive Their Ideology from the Books of Ibn Taymiyah and Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab


The Origins & Historical Developments of Violent Terrorist Organisations | Shaikh Faisal Al-Jasim


URDU: ISIS Ki Haqiqat | Dr.Murtaza Bin Baksh (Hafidhahullah)


KhawariJ Ki Haqeeqat By Shaikh Tauseef Ur Rehman


URDU: Saudi Arab Say Dushmani Kyo ? By Sheikh Syed Tauseef ur Rehman Rashidi 22 Jan 2016 at Jubail


URDU: لماذا هذه العداوة من إيران بالمملكة العربية السعودية Saudi Arab Say Dushmani Kyo


URDU: ISIS Bad goal of by Sheikh Syed Tauseef Ur Rahman


URDU: Daesh [ISIS] Ki Haqiqat.| Shaikh Tousif Ur Rahman


URDU: KhawariJ Key Haqeeqat حقيقة الخوارج عبر الشرع والتاريخ


Lotfi Djafar. The Assassination of Uthman ibn Affaan

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