إن القــوم ليكونــون في الصلاة الواحدة، وإن بينهم كمـا بـين الـسماء والأرض، وتفـسير ذلـك :أن الرجـــل يكـــون خاشـــعا مقـــبلا علـــى صـــلاته، والآخـــر ســـاهيا غـــافلاً
Ḥassān bin ʿAṭiyyah said: “Verily, people can be in a single prayer (together) and between them is what is between the heaven and earth.” And the explanation of it is that one man can be humble and focused in his prayer and another can be inattentive and heedless. Al-Ḥilyah (Tahdhīb, 2/266).