Sharh (Explanation): al-Aqeedah al-Waasitiyyah – Imaam Abdul-Azeez ibn Baaz

  1. 1. Introduction to the Book and the Author; and the Importance of this Subject (download audio)
  2. 2. Sharh (Explanation) of the Author's Introduction & Mention of the Usool of Emaan (download audio)
  3. 3. A Brief Explanation The Six Usool (Fundamentals) of Emaan (download audio)
  4. 4. Affirming the Sifaat (Descriptions) of Allaah From the Qur'aan and Authentic Sunnah (download audio)
  5. 5. Emaan in the Truthfulness of the Messengers; and Combining Between Nafyu (Negation) and Ithbaat (Affirmation) (download audio)
  6. 6. Combining Between Nafyu and Ithbaat In Soorah al-Ikhlas and Aayatul-Kursee (download audio)
  7. 7. Believing that Allaah is al-Awwal & al-Aakhir, and Affirming His Knowledge, Will, etc (download audio)
  8. 8. Believing that Allaah is al-Awwal & al-Aakhir, and Affirming His Knowledge, Will, etc. Part 2 (download audio)
  9. 9. Affirming that the Sifaat of Allaah are Real, Understood In a Manner Befitting of Allaah. Without Saying 'How' they Are. (download audio)
  10. 10. Mention of Some of Allaah's Sifaat Dhaatiyyah and Sifaat Fi'liyyah (download audio)
  11. 11. Affirmation of the Oneness/Uniqueness of Allaah, Negation of Partners for Him, Mention of Some of His Sifaat & His Ascension. (download audio)
  12. 12. Affirmation of al-Istiwaa' (the Ascension) of Allaah in Seven Aayaat of the Qur'aan (download audio)
  13. 13. Affirmation of the 'Uloo (Highness) of Allaah Above His Creation While Being With them By His Knowledge (download audio)
  14. 14. Affirmation of Kalaamullaah (The Speech of Allaah), Seeing His Face, etc. (download audio)
  15. 15. Affirmation of Sifaat of Allaah in Authentic Hadeeth: Descending, Happiness & Laughing. (download audio)
  16. 16. Affirmation of Sifaat of Allaah in Authentic Hadeeth: Amazement, A Foot, Calling Out with a Voice that is Heard. (download audio)
  17. 17. Affirmation of Sifaat of Allaah in Authentic Hadeeth: Speech and Uloo (Highness) etc. (download audio)
  18. 18. Affirmation that There Is No Contradiction Between Allaah's Highness Above His Throne and His Nearness to His Creation. (download audio)
  19. 19. Five Principles Upon Which Ahlus-Sunnah are Moderate Between the Two Extremes. (download audio)
  20. 20. The Obligation of Believing that Allaah is High Above the Heavens and With His Creation By His Knowledge. (download audio)
  21. 21. Believing that Allāh is 'Near' does not contradict His being 'High/Above'; & The Qur'aan is the Speech of Allaah, not created. (download audio)
  22. 22. Obligation of Having Emaan in the Last Day & What It Contains of Punishment & Pleasure. (download audio)
  23. 23. Obligation of Having Emaan in the Last Day & Its Important Events...[continued]. (download audio)
  24. 24. Obligation of Having Emaan in the Last Day, Including Affirmation of al-Hawd and As-Siraat. (download audio)
  25. 25. Obligation of Having Emaan in the Last Day, Entering Jannah & the Intercessions of the Prophet (SallAllaahu Alaihi wa Sallam). (download audio)
  26. 26. Emaan in Qadar (the Divine Decree) and Its Four Levels, according to Ahlus-Sunnah. Part 1 (download audio)
  27. 27. Emaan in Qadar (the Divine Decree) and Its Four Levels, according to Ahlus-Sunnah. Part 2 (download audio)
  28. 28. Emaan According to Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah & The Ruling Concerning One Who Commits Major Sins. (download audio)
  29. 29. Aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah Concerning the Sahaabah and Family of the Prophet (SallAllaahu Alaihi wa Sallam). Part 1 (download audio)
  30. 30. Aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah Concerning the Sahaabah and Family of the Prophet (SallAllaahu Alaihi wa Sallam). Part 2 (download audio)
  31. 31. Tasdeeq (Affirmation) of the Karaamaat of the Awliyaa' of Allaah (download audio)
  32. 32. Giving Preference to the Qur'aan and Sunnah, and Following the Way of the Sahaabah (download audio)
  33. 33. From the Characteristics of Ahlus-Sunnah Is Adorning themselves With Noble Manners and Good Actions. Part 1 (download audio)
  34. 34. From the Characteristics of Ahlus-Sunnah Is Adorning themselves With Noble Manners and Good Actions. Part 2 (download audio)
  35. 35. The Praiseworthy Characteristics of Ahlus-Sunnah: They are the Saved Sect, the Victorious/Supported Group. Among them are the Truthful, the Martyrs, the Righteous, etc. (download audio)

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