1. 001 -Al-Mawaaqeet: Appointed Place (or Time) for Pilgrims Entering the State of Ihraam (download audio)
2. 002 - Maa Yalbasu-hu al-Muhrim min ath-Thiyaab: The Clothing of the Muhrim (download audio)
3. 003 - At-Talbeeyah: The Loud Pronouncement of Particular Expressions which are A Symbol/Motto of Hajj Indicating a Pilgrim's Readiness to Serve and Obey Allah (download audio)
4. 004 - Al-Fidyah: Compensation (from omission, defect or mistake in a religious act). Hurmatu (Sacredness of) Makkah (download audio)
6. 006 - Ma Yajoozu Qatluhu: That Which is Permissible to be Killed Dukhool Makkah – Entering Makkah Dukhool al-Ka’bah: Entering the Ka’bah (download audio)
7. 007 - At-Tawaaf wa Adabu-hu: Circumabulation (of the Ka’bah) and It’s Manners (download audio)
8. 008 - At-Tamattu’ : Combining Hajj and Umrah - In One Journey (download audio)
9. 009 - At-Tamattu’ con’t: Combining Hajj and Umrah - In One Journey (download audio)
10. 010 - Faskh al-Hajj ilaa al-Umrah: Annulment or Transforming the Hajj into Umrah. One’s Speed While One is Departing From ‘Arafah (download audio)
11. 011 - Al-Ghusl lil-Muhrim: Taking a Bath while in the State of Ihraam Hukm Taqdeem ar-Ramy wan-Nahr wal-Halq wal-Ifaadah…: Ruling of Performing Some Rites Before Others (download audio)
12. 012 - Kaifa Tarmee Jamrah al-‘Aqabah: The Manner of Stoning the Big Jamrah (Stone Pillar) Fadl al-Halq wa Jawaaz at-Taqseer: Superiority of Shaving and the Permissibility of Cutting Short (the Hair) (download audio)
13. 013 - Kaifa Tarmee Jamrah al-‘Aqabah: The Manner of Stoning the Big Jamrah (Stone Pillar) Fadl al-Halq wa Jawaaz at-Taqseer: Superiority of Shaving and the Permissibility of Cutting Short (the Hair) Tawaaf al-Ifaadah wal-Wadaa’ : Circumambulation On Coming Down from ‘Arafah and Farewell Tawaaf (download audio)
14. 014 - Wujoob al-Mabeet bi-Mina: Obligation of Spending the Nights at Mina Jam’ al-Maghrib wa-l-Ishaa Fee Muzdalifah: Combining the Sunset and Night Prayers at Muzdalifah (download audio)
15. 015 - Hajj - Wal-Muhrim Ya’kulu min Said al-Halaal: A Muhrim May Eat from the Game (Hunted) by a non-Muhrim (download audio)
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