Tafseer: Advices of Luqman to his son 31:12-19 – Wasaayaa Luqman li-Ibni-hi – Abdur Rauf Shakir


Tafseer: Worshippers of ar-Rahmaan 25:63-77 – Ibaadur-Rahmaan – Abdur Rauf Shakir


Tafseer: Social Behavior In Islam 49:11-13 – Al-Aabaab al-Ijtimaa’iyyah fi-l-Islam – Abdur Rauf Shakir


Tafseer: Reward of Righteous & Deniers 77:41-50 – ‘Aaqibah al-Muttaqeen wa Jazaa’ al-Mukadhdhibeen – Abdur Rauf Shakir


Tafseer: Striving In the Way of Allah 61:10-14 – Al-Jihaad Fi Sabeeli-llah – Abdur Rauf Shakir


Sufficiency in Creed (Lum’at-ul-‘Itiqaad) – Imaam Ibn Qudaamah


Fundamentals of Eemaan by Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Bin Abdullah Bin Baaz


At-Taqwaa and Its Effects & the Characteristics of the Pious & their Recompense


Madinah Arabic Course: Level Three Tawheed by Dr V Abdur Rahim Tuaght by Abdur Rauf Shakir


Madinah Book Three by Dr V Abdur Rahim, Taught by Shaykh Abdur Rauf Shakir


Let’s Begin to Read Arabic by Dr. V. Abdur-Rahim. Taught by Shaykh Abdur Rauf Shakir


Madinah Arabic Course: Level Three Hadeeth by Abu Muhammad Abdur Rauf Shakir


True Ahlus-Sunnah Are Those Who Unite Upon the Pure Islaam, Qur’aan and Sunnah..


Importance of the Book of Allaah & the Sunnah


Excellence & Virtue of the Assemblies of Knowledge


Works of Shaykh Abu Muhammad Abdur-Ra’uf Shakir


Ramadhan, Taqwa & Fasting 1437AH


Aadaab al-Masjid (Manners To Be Observed When Attending the Masjid)


Ramadhan Virtues

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