Nothing occurs except what He (Allaah) wills – Shaykh al-Fawzaan | Dawud Burbank

This contains an affirmation of al-Qadr (القدر – pre-decree) and an affirmation of al-Iraadah (الإرادة – Allaah’s Will). So nothing exists within His kingdom and nothing occurs within His creation whether events or things except that Allaah willed it to occur, He the Perfect and Most High – willing it with His Iraadah al-Kawniyyah (Universal Will):
And His Affair, when He wills something, is just that He says to it, “Be!” and it is!
(Soorah YaaSeen (36), aayah 82)

  1. 1. Nothing occurs except what He (Allaah) wills – Shaykh al-Fawzaan | Dawud Burbank (download audio)

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