Explanation of Aqeedah Ar-Raaziyayn of Imaams Abu Haatim Ar-Raazi and Abu Zur’ah Ar-Raazi, explained by Abul Abbas Naveed Ayaaz

A series of lessons given by Ustad Abul AbbasNaveed Ayaaz explaining a concise yet comprehensive treatise in Aqeedah authored by the earliest Imaams of Hadeeth Abu Haatim Ar-Raazi and Abu Zur’ah Ar-Raazi

  1. 1. Lesson 1: Meaning of Aqeedah; Importance of Aqeedah; Historical reasons for deviation in Aqeedah; Names for Aqeedah in the books of the Salaf (download audio)
  2. 2. Lesson 2: A reading of the whole text – and translation with brief commentary (download audio)
  3. 3. Lesson 3: The correct belief regarding Imaan and proofs for it; who were the Murjia and the sects within them; the justice of Ahlus Sunnah towards the people of innovation; who are Murjia al-Fuqahaa; the different types of Kufr; the ruling of saying I am a Mu’min inshaAllaah and a clarification of the terms Shuroot As-Sihhan and Shuroot Al-Kamaal (download audio)
  4. 4. Lesson 4: The correct belief with regards to the Qur’an and the speech of Allaah, the attribute of voice, the stages of Al-Qadr, why evil is not ascribed to Allah and the falsehood of justifying sins using Qadr as a justification (download audio)
  5. 5. Lesson 5: The Sahaabah and the virtue of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, those who were given the glad tidings of Jannah, the belief of the Raafidha, who they are and why they were named Raafidha, why we should not call them Shee’ah, and the correct stance towards the disputes which occurred between some of the Sahaabah (download audio)
  6. 6. Lesson 6: The correct belief regarding Allah being above His Arsh; The different types of evidences to prove the elevated state of Allah. A description of the Arsh and Kursi. The meaning of the two attributes of Allaah: Fawqiyyah (Allaah being above creation) and Ma’iyyah (Allaah being with creation). A mention of some of the groups who deviated in this belief (download audio)
  7. 7. Lesson 7: The belief of Ahlus Sunnah regarding the Believers seeing Allaah on Yaum Al-Qiyaamah; The three matters which the people of innovation agreed upon; the two types of Seeing; the belief of the Mu’tazilah and Ash’arees with regards to Seeing Allaah; will the Kuffaar see and speak to Allaah on Yaum Al-Qiyaamah? Did the Sahaabah differ in Aqeedah? (download audio)
  8. 8. Lesson 8: The belief of Ahlus Sunnah regarding: Jannah (Paradise), Jahannam (Hellfire), Siraat (the bridge over the Fire) and the Qantara, Mizaan (the scales of justice) and Al-Haudh (the pond of the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) for the believers) and Al-Kawthar; the sequence of events on the Day of Resurrection. (download audio)
  9. 9. Lesson 9: The belief of Ahlus Sunnah regarding: the Shafaa’ah of the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam); the punishment of the grave, the questions in the grave, Imaan in the angels and the Ba’ath (Resurrection) (download audio)
  10. 10. Lesson 10: The belief of Ahlus Sunnah regarding: Muslims who commit major sins as well as showing obedience to Muslim rulers even if they are corrupt; Why the Khawaarij and Mu’tazila deviated regarding this; the definition of “Kabaair” (Major sins); The statement of Umar (radhiAllaahu anhu) regarding judging people’s intentions.” (download audio)
  11. 11. Lesson 11: The belief of Ahlus Sunnah regarding: – The obligation upon a Muslim towards the Muslim rulers; How to advice is given to a Muslim ruler; How a Muslim reacts to an evil from a Muslim ruler; The importance of the pledge of allegiance; 9 principles regarding obedience to the Muslim ruler; The conditions of Jihaad; The intent behind Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah (download audio)
  12. 12. Lesson 12: Why a person cannot say “I am a true Mu’min”; It is not permitted to say about somebody Shaheed; What are the origins of the Jahmiyyah and Jahm Ibn Safwaan; the history of the Raafidhah and why they are given this name; Who are the Khawaarij, Qadariyyah and Mu’tazilah; modern day examples of such sects (download audio)
  13. 13. Lesson 13: A person who says “the Qur’an is created” has committed disbelief; the history and context of this deviation; general principles in understanding the names, attributes, descriptions and actions of Allah (download audio)
  14. 14. Lesson 14: One of the signs of Ahl Al-Bid’ah is insulting and mocking the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah; Examples of nicknames and insults used by the Zanaadiqah, Jahmiyyah, Raafidhah and Qadariyyah against Ahlus Sunnah; Where does the name Zanaadiqah come from and who are they? A warning against entering into the disputes between the scholars or taking sides (download audio)
  15. 15. Lesson 15: Definitions of Bid’ah; The types and levels of Bid’ah; Where Bid’ah occurs; How to interact with an innovator; guidelines with regards to boycotting an innovator (download audio)

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