Latest EVIL Audios


Fight against Ignorance with Your Wealth and Your Selves – Juma Khutba


The Reason for Fasaad (Mischief) is Peoples bad actions – Shaykh Badee uddin Shah Sindhi


The Fiqh of Forbidding Evil, it’s Affects in Protecting Security and Safety – Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Fayfee


حكم حضور الأعراس التي فيها منكرات – فضيلة الشيخ أ. د- سليمان الرحيلي


Umar Quinn – The Evils Of Hip-Hop Culture


SERIES: Riba (Interest) – Al-Mulakhas al-Fiqhi – Shaykh Salih Fawzan – Abu Muhammad Al Maghribee


What is Racism – Daawood Adeeb


An-Nawawi 40 Hadith 34 – Change Evil – Hand – Tongue – Heart – Saleh-As-Saleh


Perish the Slave of Dinar & Dirham – Shaykh Uthaymeen | Dr. Saleh as-Saleh


Deviance of those who negate the Ru’yah (’Seeing Allaah’ by the people of Paradise) – Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank


Eemaan in al-Maseehud-Dajjaal (the False Messiah) – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank


They called to Sectarianism (Furqah) & Sunnah became a Stranger – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank


Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil – Imam Ibn Taymiyyah – Dr. Saleh as Saleh

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