Language: ENGLISH


Myths & Superstitions among Muslims


Minor & Major Sins in Islam


Knock on wood?


Shaitan will what? 😐


Dreams according to Islam


The path to strong character


Allah's Knowledge & Dua


How to deal with Waswas


Balancing Mercy & Anger


We all make mistakes.


Understanding Mahram & Hijab (30min lecture + 30min Q&A)


How to stop procrastinating. Credit to @SafiBros – Full video


Growing Up with Faith – Podcast


Do I have to forgive?


Measuring Success




Dear children!


The Soul & Self (Ruh & Nafs)


How many angels surround me?


Tawakkul (Trusting in Allah) 45 mins + 40 mins Q&A – Amazing!


❗ Dear Parents…


The life of this 🌏 (Surah Al-Hadid, Verse 20)


Dealing with Grief


Al 'Ayn (The Evil Eye)

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