Language: ENGLISH


Volume 1: Soothsaying – Breaking spells using the method of numbers


Volume 1: Soothsaying – Consulting those who claim to have knowledge of the Ghayb


Volume 1: Soothsaying – Consulting a doctor who treats patients with Arabic medicines


Volume 1: Soothsaying – Consulting a person who claims knowledge of Ghayb


Volume 1: Soothsaying – Reconciling the two Hadiths of Whoever visits a diviner and asks them… and Whoever visits a soothsayer and believes them..


Volume 1: Astrology – Prediction of natural phenomena based on the positions of celestial bodies


Volume 1: Astrology – Do astrologers know the Ghayb


Volume 1: Astrology – Speaking, supplicating, or whispering to stones


Volume 1: The science of arithmetic and astronomy – Reconciling science and religion in issues that appear to be contradictory


Volume 1: The science of arithmetic and astronomy – Relying on the calendar to determine the beginning of Ramadan


Volume 1: The science of arithmetic and astronomy – Knowing the time of solar and lunar eclipses through the calculation of planetary movements


Volume 1: The science of arithmetic and astronomy – Weather forecast Only a guess based on the universal Laws of Allah


Volume 1: Charlatanry – The Awliya’ of Allah and the Awliya’ of Satan


Volume 1: Charlatanry – Consulting charlatans and wearing amulets


Volume 1: Charlatanry – Sufi Tariqahs and charlatanism


Volume 1: Charlatanry – Going to charlatans for treatment


Volume 1: Charlatanry – Using jinn and conjuring them by means of supplications and charms


Volume 1: Charlatanry – Talking to the dead


Volume 1: Modern inventions – Testing the earth with modern equipment and instruments


Volume 1: Modern inventions – Is chemistry different from alchemy


Volume 1: Evil omen – Authenticity of Hadith Run from the leper as you would run away from a lion


Volume 1: Evil omen – Being pessimistic about months, days, birds and the like


Volume 1: Taswir – Photographs taken for necessity or for decorative purposes


Volume 1: Taswir – Taking photographs of beings with a soul

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