Language: ENGLISH


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Do Awliya’ have authority over anyone


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Seeking the help of and supplicating to the deceased besides Allah


Volume 1: Shirk – Performing the Pillars of Islam and supplicating to other than Allah


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Ruling on seeking the help of other than Allah


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Seeking the help of the dead or the absent is major Shirk


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Hadith of the blind man who sought the help of the Prophet after his death


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Refuting claims about supplicating to the deceased and the diacritical marks and dots of the Qur’an


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Repentance from Bid`ahs and sins


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Performing Salah behind an Imam who seeks the help of the dead


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Believing that it is permissible to supplicate to other than Allah


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Supplicating to the dead and the absent and seeking their help


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Invoking the Servants of Allah’s Most Beautiful Names to fulfill one’s needs


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Seeking the help of the jinn or angels


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Ignorance of the Mukallaf of the fundamentals of Iman is no excuse


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Asking for the help of the dead or the absent


Volume 1: Seeking the help of other than Allah – Ruling on collective Dhikr as done by Sufi orders


Volume 1: Shirk – Supplicating to other than Allah is major Shirk


Volume 1: Tawassul – Tawassul by other than Allah and wiping the graves


Volume 1: Shirk – None but Allah can relieve distresses and ward off evils


Volume 1: Shirk – Visiting the graves of the pious people and seeking help from them in cases of sickness


Volume 1: Shirk – The dead, whether pious or not, cannot hear supplications


Volume 1: Shirk – Ruling on seeking the help of other than Allah when stricken by misfortune


Volume 1: Shirk – Supplicating to Allah by virtue of the status of the Messenger, the Sahabah, or others


Volume 1: Shirk – Supplicating to other than Allah

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