Language: ENGLISH


Is it allowed to cut/shave any hair while in Ihram?


It is allowed to use deodorant (powder) while in Ihram?


Different types of Hajj


Global Prayer for Palestine


Matrimonial websites


Eating with your fingers


It is permissible to whistle?


Is Ghusl (total bath) mandatory before accepting Islam?


How to become a Muslim?


Aisha marriage to the Prophet Muhammad (salla allahu aleihi wa salam)


A male Mahram for more than 1 woman


Slavery in Islam – prisoners of war


The time for Repentance


Establishing an Islamic state


Hitting a child


When a husband dies


Why do we pray fajr, magreb and isha loudly?


Why didn’t Allah let the Bible as a final revelation?


Joining politics


Being a moderate Muslim


Sincerity (Al Ikhlas)


Placing our hands while standing in salah after saying Rabana wa lakal hamd


Is there any dua against depression?


Is it permissible for men to wear tight T-shirts?

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