Language: ENGLISH


Forced by parents to shave


Visiting the pyramids


My friend is smoking….


Did the djinns inhabit the Earth before humans?


Protests in Islam


Is a woman’s prayer accepted if she does not cover outside?


Does touching oneself in the rear end or invalidate wudu?


Full dependence on Allah


Mixing on websites for purpose of Dawah


Allah’s Mercy towards His slaves


The most efficient ways to memorize the Quran


Jobless and without any hope?


Fearing djinns


Clocks with bells


Shoes talking on the Day of Judgement


Reverting to Islam and getting married


Doing aqeeqah


Bad omens and the month of Safar


Children lying


Postponing things


Having doubts about Islam


Responsible at 13?


The quickest way to perform ghusl


The death of Hussein and Hassan (radhi Allahu anhum)

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