Language: ENGLISH


Wearing the niqab in UK


Zakat al fitr


Surah Al-Fatiha in prayer


What to say when sneezing?


Zakat is new for me


Prayinig 4 rakas before asr


Zakat on gold jewelry with diamonds


Paying zakat for gold


Helping a divorced woman to get a job


Eating from a non-muslim’s plate?


Is the second adhan an inovation?


2 people praying together


Drinking beer for stomach aches?


Moving the finger in tahashud


Why to wear the niqab?


Does bleeding affect the wudu?


Watching pictures with naked people in order to learn medicine


Life in other galaxies?


A sufi gathering celebrating the prophet’s birthday (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam)


Ayah 46 from Surah At Tawba


Are we allowed to lie or not?


Has anyone seen Jannah


Dhikr in Congregation


Forced by parents to shave

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