Language: ENGLISH


Making colective dua at a burial


When a brother is not let to grow his beard


seeking refuge from Sheitan


Building a mosque with riba money


Asking if the meat is halal


Fearing Allah


how much knowledge do we need?


Obeyinng our leaders


The books destroyed by Imam Al-Nawai


Where did Imam Al-Nawawi live?


The scholars who make things forbidden


The books compiled by Imam Al-Nawawi


Living the life of non luxury of Imam Al-Nawawi


A Daee or a scholar?


Dawah or marriage?


Was imam Al-Nawawi married?


The life of the imam Al-Nawawi


Good innovations? Bidah hasana?


The opinion of Muslims about Jesus (alayhi wa sallam)


Wiping over socks


Shaving the moustache


Having gold above nisab


Dua in jumaah


Reading dua from Quran in sujud

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