Language: ENGLISH


Making Hijrah with or without my husband


About Tahajud prayer


Sorcerers, Amulets and Talismans


True Muslims and marriage


Magic or Djin posession


Listening Qur’an while doing other activities


About prophetic medicine


Live by having Fear of Allah Azza wa Jal


Not allowing your wife to visit her family


The prophet Muhammed (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) as a messenger


Depend on Allah


Men and women praying in the same room


Concentration in prayer


Buying and selling in the masjid


Taking photos


The discharge of women


A clear sign from Allah?


The Ahmediyya and Qadiani


The earthquake from Japan


Having dental braces and reciting the Quran


When to follow an Islamic school of thought or the sunnah


Reciting and blowing in your hands


How to behave after nikah


Praying 2 rakas after wudu

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