Language: ENGLISH


Religious only for the dunia


Is the Dajjal human or djin?


I want to revert to Islam but I belief in the Evolution Theory


Giving dawa to non-muslims.avi


Wudu after eating camel’s meat- yes or no?


A wali for a revert muslim woman


What the right hand possesses-what does that mean?


Prostration for someone else then Allah


Sharia in a chirstian country


My grandmother died as a non Muslim


Owning a dog as a pet


How to get khushur in prayer?


Going to a non-Muslim wedding


Doing more rakas in prayer


Having one of Allah’s names


Islamic and civil marriage


Does Islam support the Evolution theory?


Is homosexuality wrong?


A good book about the virtues of the sahaba


Sex outside the marriage


Which is the most important sunnah?


Why are Muslims seen so evil?


How to do ghusl?


Being outside the house and praying

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