Language: ENGLISH


Taraweeh is 20 Rakah or 8 Rakah?


Music is Haram in Islam


The difference between Hidayah and Tawfiqh


Does Kalimah erase sins?


Is it permissible to watch the Tv (the Friday prayer Live) and pray with them?


Dying in Makkah or Medinah


Sheitan reading the Quran?


Raising children in an islamic way


The duties of a woman to her parents-in-law


Automatic adhan


Wudu or Ghusl with Zam Zam water


Short description of Umrah


Is it mandatory for me to pray in the masjid if I m living away


Ways of increasing the Emaan


Making dua in my mother tongue


Leaving the state of Ihram


Being tired to pray Isha in the Masjed


I have problems with my husband


Ruling on expiation for killing someone accidentally


Covering the hair while reciting the Quran or making Dhikr


Trust in Allah


I want to travel but my husband is afraid of airplanes


What type of dog nullifies our prayer?


How can I protect the Quran from non-muslims?

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