Language: ENGLISH


Couples showing their love & life on Social Media, like Instagram etc – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Bleeding after Miscarriage, when is it considered post natal bleeding(Nifas)- Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Making dua in sujood in Fard, Sunnah, Voluntary or Night prayers – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Punishment for depriving siblings or any heirs from their right of inheritance – Assim Al Hakeem


Praying where the grave is outside the Masjid – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


The Ideal Muslim Family – Tawakkul – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem et. al


Ruling on types of discharges: Mathi, Wadi, Mani, Regular vaginal discharge, Urine – Assim Al Hakeem


Should we change the bedsheets after intercourse? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Can I give my Insurance card to someone to seek medical help? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Can a child draw living things for School projects and activities? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Missed many fasts due to Pregnancy/Breastfeeding, now can’t fast at all due to illness-Assimalhakeem


Ayurvedic Medicines & Cow Urine used in Medicines – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Ruling on UFC, MMA and learning Karate or Martial Arts for self defence – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Is it allowed for women to visit Prophet’s Grave? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


How did the Sahaba pray all night and still had energy to worship during the day? – Assim Al Hakeem


Encouragement and Motivation in Islam – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Why do people get Panic Attacks & Anxiety & what’s the solution? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Don’t know my biological father, whose name should I take? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Delights of Belief (Eman) | Tahir Wyatt


Who should be your best friends? / let the Sunnah answer/ Lotfi Djafar


The Best Gift Allah Gave You / Lotfi Djafar


Understanding the Quran/ Meaning Of Surah al-Asr / Lotfi Djafar


Using your phone or talking during the Friday Khutbah/ Lotfi Djafar


(A Journey with the Quran) The Prophet pbuh & the Blind man Incident/ suraht Abasa/ Lotfi Djafar

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