Language: ENGLISH


Can a woman, in her Menses / Period, make Wudu? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Got Menses/ Period right after having Intercourse, do I need to take Ghusl? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


EMI provided by Store itself vs provided by third party like bank or fiance company – Assim AlHakeem


The Barelvi sect, will followers be pardoned for Shirk due to their ignorance? – Assimalhakeem


Can a woman pray on her own in the Masjid while the congregation is going on?- Sheikh Assim Alhakeem


Is Wudu compulsory for Tawaf and Sa’ee? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Can I move forward while praying in congregation if I see a gap in the front row? – Assim Al Hakeem


Divorce, Iddah & Procedure to take back the wife after divorce (Ruju or Reconcile) – Assim Al Hakeem


Where does the beard start & what parts can I remove? Can I Shave my Moustache? – Assim Al Hakeem


When is it Mandatory for a person to make Ghusl? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Does Foreplay without Sexual intercourse require Ghusl? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Can a Pregnant woman pray sitting down? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Cashback on bank accounts, credit cards & Apps, such as online wallets – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Social Anxiety Disorder – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Is it Compulsory for Women to cover their feet while praying? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Should we perform 2 Rakah after wearing Ihram, Whats the procedure of entering Ihram?- Assimalhakeem


Killing the house Lizards – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Trading in Stocks or Shares / Investing in Facebook, Amazon, Alibaba etc – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Siblings through Breastfeeding – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Prizes and Rewards won from Sweepstakes or Lucky Draws – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


How did the Companions deal with Innovations (Biddah)? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


RAND Islam Vs Real Islam – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Qunoot in Fajr – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Currency Trading: Buying Foreign Currency and exchanging it later for higher rate – Assim Al Hakeem

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