Language: ENGLISH


Are the questions in the Grave for both Muslims and Non Muslims? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Burying nails and hair after cutting – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


How to Pray behind an Imam who is Praying sitting down? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Quran of the Shia, The Mushaf of Fatima and the Deviant Shia Aqeedah – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Not giving Salam to a person who does not pray, does not have a beard or sins openly- Assim AlHakeem


Should I pray the Salah again if I did not pray with Khushu (Concentration)?- Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Is Slavery found nowadays? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Ruling on Delaying the Prayers (Salah) – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


The religion of Islam is appropriate for every time, place, and condition – Imam Ibn Uthaymeen


Ten Principles Concerning Purification of the Soul – Shaykh Abdur-Razzaaq ibn Abdul-Muhsin al-Badr


Explaining Sūrah al-Takwīr – Imam Muḥammad Ibn Ṣāliḥ al-‘Uthaymīn


The Issue of Freewill & Allaah’s statement “You do not will unless Allah wills” Explained by Imam Ibn Uthaymeen


“al-Ḥamdu lillāhi Rabbil-‘Ālamīn” Explained by Imam Ibn Uthaymeen


When does the first hour of the Friday prayer begin? Imam Ibn Uthaymeen


5 Golden Words of Advice – Qari Zakaullah Saleem


Had seen a Wet Dream, should you perform Ghusl if there is (No) emission of Semen? – Assim Al Hakeem


The Currency value has changed, should I return the loan in same Currency? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Is paying the Late Fee or Penalty, same as Interest (Riba)? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Is it permissible to go to a third party financing company to finance my purchase? – Assim Al Hakeem


Is it a must to Workout and stay fit? Prophetﷺ‎ encouraged Horse riding, Wrestling – Assim Al Hakeem


Feeling lost and depressed because my Duas are not being answered – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Modern Day Moriscos (Muslim Crisis) – Tahir Wyatt


When I had Iftar at Shaykh Abdur Razzaq ibn Abdul Muhsin Abbad’s house – Shaykh Dr Tahir Wyatt


New Life Changing Khutbah Impacted by the Quran! by Shaykh Dr Tahir Wyatt

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