Language: ENGLISH


Remain Patient The Aid of Allah is Near by Abu Idrees


Can Muslims in Sweden (Scandinavian countries) break fast according to Saudi Arabia – Assim al hakeem


Attaining Taqwa in Ramadan | Tahir Wyatt


The Phone is Stopping Memorisation! – Ustadh Abu Taymiyyah


What is Zuhd in Islam?


Ramadan – Month of The Quran (based on the book ‘Great Principles in the Explanation of the Qur’aan by Imaam Abdur-Rahmaan as-Saadi and works of Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibnul Qayyim, Imam ibn Abdul Wahhaab)


Family, Marriage, and Our Youth – Islamic Guidelines (from “Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence” of Shaykh Alamah Saalih al-Fawzaan)


Benefiting from the Month of Ramadan (based on the treatise “48 Questions and Answers on Fasting” (سؤالاً في الصيام) by Imam Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen)


While fasting if a person lies, backbites, listens to music would his fast be accepted-Assimalhakeem


When is the best time in Ramadan when dua is answered? – Assim al hakeem


Muslims who are careless about their prayers in Ramadan & waste time in roaming etc- Assim al hakeem


If one missed fard fasts & dies, do family members have to fast on their behalf – Assim al hakeem


Arrived late & the imam has already started taraweeh, how to pray isha behind him? – Assim al hakeem


If I get my menses during the day or afternoon, can I break my fast & eat & drink? – Assim al hakeem


Does eye drops, ear drops and nose drops break our fast? – Assim al hakeem


How should we congratulate each other on Ramadan? – Assim al hakeem


Just received money a month ago, is this money excluded from my zakat? – Assim al hakeem


Is saying bismillah compulsory in every rakah of the prayer? – Assim al hakeem


Imam offers taraweeh in 4 rakahs, should I pray behind him or go to another masjid – Assim al hakeem


Does swallowing mucus break my fast? – Assim al hakeem


When to give zakat al fitr? – Assim al hakeem


Will it break my prayer if I scratch more than 3 times,how many movements are allowed?-Assimalhakeem


What is laylatul qadr, what deeds to do in this night, was Quran revealed completely in this night?


Should the night of qadr be spent in the masjid or at home? – Assim al hakeem

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