Language: ENGLISH


Ahadeeth on Fasting Bukhari & Muslim – Umdatul Ahkaam – Ustadh Abu Taymiyyah


Fiqh Of Fasting النظم الجلي in Hanbali – Ustadh Abu Taymiyyah


Ramadan last 10 days General virtues & rules of night of al-Qadr, I’tikaf & Zakat-Fitr /Lotfi Djafar


Who are al-Quraniyoun? Lotfi Djafar


The Importance of Comprehension and Implementation of the Quran By Shaykh Abdul-Razzaaqbin Abdul-Muhsin al-Badr


Reward for sitting in Itekaf for 10 days in Ramadan


Does reflux (vomit) that comes out of the throat break your fast? – Assim al hakeem


Surah Maryam & Surah Yousuf to ease pregnancy, delivery & to get a beautiful baby? – Assim al hakeem


Is it permissible for merchants to hike prices especially in Ramadan? – Assim al hakeem


Are vacations and work trips counted as travel to skip fasting? – Assim al hakeem


Engagement & Wedding rings – Assim al hakeem


Investing in stock / share market – Assim al hakeem


Does swallowing saliva, mucus, traces of blood break your fast? – Assim al hakeem


Sending zakat overseas or to one’s home country – Assim al hakeem


Zakat on security deposit that you give to the landlord – Assim al hakeem


Women gathering in a house and praying taraweeh behind an imam – Assim al hakeem


Is it permissible to taste food while fasting? – Assim al hakeem


Reciting Surah Yasin & Fath after Fajr for good election results:it is an innovation-Assim al hakeem


What is the sunnah way of breaking the fast: dates or water first? – Assim al hakeem


Does taking suppository break your fast? – Assim al hakeem


Imam prays witr like maghrib, I pray taraweeh with them but pray Witr at home – Assim al hakeem


If just before iftar a woman gets her period, is this fast counted? – Assim al hakeem


Hadith to delay suhoor and hasten to do iftar (break the fast) – Assim al hakeem


Can a person use injections while fasting? – Assim al hakeem

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