Language: ENGLISH


Deciding to divorce one’s wife if he has intercourse with her during a week


Taking an oath of Talaq without expressing it loudly


Whispers regarding Talaq


Intending inwardly to divorce one’s wife


Pronouncing the words of divorce unintentionally


Divorce coming to the husband’s mind without uttering it


A wife divorcing herself


Husband swearing to divorce his wife if his host slaughters an animal for him, and the host does it


Is husband’s saying to the wife that he does not want her considered as Talaq?


Saying to the wife’s father “May Allah provide for her. Come to me to get her Talaq paper”


Is the husband’s jealousy over his wife considered a Talaq?


Saying that the wife will be divorced if she gives birth to a girl


A husband authorizing a person to divorce his wife and then changing his mind


Sending Talaq document to the father-in-law after sending it to the judge who said it is invalid


Divorcing his wife while sleeping


All wives considered divorced upon divorcing one of them


Husband divorcing a wife due to his inclination to the other


Delaying divorce until someone finishes his studies


Going to the court to divorce the wife without pronouncing Talaq or registering it


Ineffectiveness of divorce that is not said or implied


Swearing that every woman he marries will be divorced


Ruling on Talaq before marriage


Divorcing one’s wife based on the news he received, then discovering it was untrue


Threatening of divorce while joking

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