The difference between Takfîr upon a kind and Takfîr upon an individual | Shaykh al-Khudhayr


al-Albânî about al-Hawâlî’s “Dhâhirat-ul-Irjâ'” and Surûriyyah


Dispelling the Myth — Who was Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab? Shaykh Faisal Al-Jasim


The Khawarij: History and Principles – Shaykh Faisal Al Jasim


Abû Ishâq al-Huwaynî – Successor of al-Albânî? by Shaykh al-Albânî


Ibn ‘Uthaymîn about the difference between smoking and suicide-attacks


Give them money and they will be pleased with the rulers | Shaykh Muqbil


Those who attempt to prove suicide attacks using the story of the Boy & the King | al-Fawzân


“There are disagreements on the issue and other opinions” | Sh al-Fawzân


Ruling regarding womens sports | Imâm Ibn Bâz


Condemning the leaders publicly, Is there any disagreement on the issue? | Sh al-Fawzân.flv


Do Salafis enter political parties | al-Fawzân


al-Fawzân’s advice to youth who issue Fatâwâ without knowledge.


The good backbiting & books of refutations | Sh al-Fawzân


The belief of Salafiyyah according to Ibn Uthaymîn (rahimullah)


Saying “I am Salafî”, when is it, and when is it not allowed? | Sh Ibn ‘Uthaymîn


The Conflict in Palestine | al-Albânî


How to strengthen Eemaan – Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan


We hear a lot about Salafiyyah and we hear some… | Shaykh Zayd al Madkhalee (Rahimahullah)


The Difference between the Ikhwaan al-Muslimoon [the Muslim Brotherhood] and Salafis


Shaykh al Albaani – “Shaykh Rabee’ is more knowledgeable in Ahadeeth than others”


Advice for Those Studying Worldly Subjects | Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan


The Ruling on Reading the Books of Those Who Were Once Salafee | Shaykh Muqbil ibn Hadee al-Waadi’ee


They Defend the People of Innovation because some Scholars have Praised them

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