Unmasking Hassan Al-Banna: Sufism and the Muslim Brotherhood | Sheikh Osama Al-Omari


Imam Malik on Bid’ah: Accusing the Prophet of Betrayal?


The Attributes of a Righteous Woman in the Book of Allah | Sheikh Abdus-Salam As-Shuway’ir


The Innovation of the Mawlid: Unveiling Its Historical Origins | Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli


Sheikh Ibn Baaz Cries When Speaking About The Mawlid!


Questions Refuting the Innovation of Mawlid: An Open Challenge to All Mawlid Celebrators!


Ad-Dur An-Nadeed fi Ikhlas Kalimat at-Tawhid by Ash-Shawkani, explained by Shaykh Uthman As-Salimi.


Don’t tell me he’s a student of Ibn Baz and Ibn Uthaymeen if he has deviated from their path!


Are The Khawarij United?


Al-Hasan Al-Basri’s Advice to the Youth: Prioritising the Hereafter Over the World


A Look Of Justice: Are The Scholars Murjia?


Sheikh Abdurazzaq Al Badr Praises Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen, Gets Surprising Response!


A Sign of the Khawarij: Testing People by Their Stance on Muslim Leaders | Sheikh Ibrahim AlMuhaymid


The Prophet’s Wudu: A Detailed Explanation by Sheikh Muqbil Bin Hadi Al-Wadi’i


Clarifying the Misconception: Is Criticising Hizbis Considered Backbiting


A blessing that would force you to fall in prostration to Allāh | Shaykh Adil as-Shorbagy


The Manhaj of the Salaf in Jarh Wa-Ta’dil (criticism and praise)| Sheikh Khalid Abdulrahman Al Misri


Beware of this fanaticism for the scholars!| Sheikh Adil As Sayyid


The Characteristics of the Khawarij | Sheikh Ibrahim Al Muyahmiid


If you accidentally missed Fajr, do NOT do this! | Sheikh Salih Al Usaymi


Take this advice and don't stress about your rizq |Beautiful Poem by Imam As-Shāfi'i


A student sits with his back facing the sheikh | listen to how Sheikh Salih Al Usaymi responded.


Those who celebrate Mawlid do not truly love Allah and his Messenger ﷺ | Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymeen


O women who sell clothes, fear Allah | Sheikh Aziz Bin Farhan Al Anizi

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