eBook Author: , Imam Muhammad Naseer ud Deen Albani


Making up previous Ramadaan Fasts missed with a valid excuse


On breaking an obligatory Fast on purpose


The wisdom behind Fasting


On Fasting while travelling


Whether long fasting hours should be shortened


There is no I’tikaaf except in the three mosques


Encouragement to fast the Day of ‘Aashoora


Drinking, eating and sexual intercourse out of forgetfulness while fasting


Eating dates for Suhoor


Fast and you will be healthy


Distributing Zakaat-ul-Fitr before its appointed time


Fast of ’Aashoora and responding to an invite


Is fasting on Mondays and Thursdays better than fast…


Does swallowing mucus invalidate the fast?


Muhaddith of Madeenah debates the Muhaddith of the Era…


Ruling on one who is sick and cannot fast for Ramadhaan


Fasting person should open his Fast, pray and then eat


Breaking an obligatory Fast on purpose


Only fast Friday if combined with Thursday…


Not fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah or ‘Aashooraa that coincides…


When the recommended fast coincides with a Saturday


Deeds multiplying in Ramadhaan


Fasting six days in Shawwaal


Sunnahs neglected in Ramadhan

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