eBook Author: , Imam Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Bin Baz


Fasting day of Arafat with days to make up from Ramadhaan


Can men dye their hands and feet with henna


Directing fathers to give importance to raising children Islaamically


Cain ibn Aadam was a Muslim


Ruling on disliking polygamy


General precept for seeking nearness to Allaah


We lose the people with Tawheed


Sleeping after Fajr and ‘Asr prayers


Saying Ju’muaah Mubaarak


Reasons that bring happiness, reasons that bring about misery


Prophet Muhammad informed followers of what was good for them


Praying in chair, is there difference between rukoo and sujood


Polygamy and rights of women in Islaam


Making wudoo inside the bathroom


Killing oneself and absence of patience upon tribulations


Islaam is the Perfect Deen of Allaah


Is seeing the Prophet in a dream glad tidings


Is Islaam to be practiced only in the Masjid


Allaah’s Religion is of a comprehensive nature


Allaah accepts no other religion than Islaam


Wisdom of the caller and morals of those who receive Da`wah


Whoever believes in Allaah and Last Day will be among people of Jannah


True adherence to Islaam is cause of salvation in Hereafter


Tawheed is the root of Islaam

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