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Rabi` Al-Awwal Fatwas – Ancestral line of Al-Sayyid Al-Badawy and the ruling on celebrating his birth


Rabi` Al-Awwal Fatwas – Good and bad Bid`ah


Rabi` Al-Awwal Fatwas – Visiting the graves of the righteous to invoke them and offer a sacrifice


Rabi` Al-Awwal Fatwas – Beseeching in the name of the venerated dead and praying in a Masjid containing a grave


Rabi` Al-Awwal Fatwas – Da`wah in a place where Bid`ahs used to be practiced


Rabi` Al-Awwal Fatwas – Holding birthday parties for children


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – Allah’s Challenge to those who doubt the revelation of the Qur’an


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – Doctor lying to a patient


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – Ruling on stopping mechanical ventilation and circulatory support at the cessation of heartbeat


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – Using euthanasia to end suffering


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – Ruling on women advertising their desire to marry in newspapers


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – Hair creams and their effect on the validity of Wudu


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – Forgetting a part of the body that must be washed in Wudu


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – Rules of Taharah and the manner of Salah to be observed by a patient


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – Blood donation


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – Performing Wudu’ and forgetting to perform Tayammum for the wounded area


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – Does passing wind necessitate Istinja


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) = Does touching one’s wife invalidate Wudu


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – Regret of a son who used to answer his mother back toughly


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – Tasmiyah in the toilet


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – Throwing left-over food in the garbage and spreading newspapers to eat on


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – What is the alternative when one is unable to use water because of old age


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – What should be said at times of adversity


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) – Ruling on publishing obituaries in newspapers

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