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Muharram Fatwas – Bid‘ahs committed during funerals


Muharram Fatwas – Act of Jahiliyyah in Muharram


Muharram Fatwas – A vow of sacrificing an animal at a specific time and distributing it to the poor


Muharram Fatwas – Wisdom behind Prophet Muhammad’s practice of polygymy


Muharram Fatwas – Ruling on fasting Muharram, Sha‘ban and the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah


Muharram Fatwas – Meaning of Hijrah and its conditions


Muharram Fatwas – Reciting Qur’an over Zamzam Water to be granted certain wishes


Muharram Fatwas – Entering the Masjid while the congregation is in the last Tashahhud


Muharram Fatwas – Praying in the work place


Muharram Fatwas – Changing the intention from Ma’mum to Imam


Muharram Fatwas – Praying behind an Imam who does not recite properly


Muharram Fatwas – Wahhabism – Is it a fifth Madh-hab


Muharram Fatwas – Clarification of the ruling on vows


Muharram Fatwas – A wife made a vow of fasting every Monday and Thursday but was forbidden to observe it


Muharram Fatwas – Swearing and breaking an oath of making the wife no longer lawful in marriage


Muharram Fatwas – Ruling on harmless lying


Muharram Fatwas – Insurance on cars, goods, factories and workers- What is the Islamic ruling


Muharram Fatwas – Celebrating a certain period of pregnancy


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Safar) – Tawassul made in Safar


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Safar) – Pessimism about Safar


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Safar) – Pessimism about marriage or circumcision in Safar


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Safar) — Ruling on supererogatory Salah offered on the last Wednesday of Safar


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Safar) – Qunut in obligatory Salahs


Miscellaneous Fatwas (Safar) – Celebrating Valentine’s Day

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