eBook Category: SALAAH-PRAYERS


Du’aa directly after the prayer is not legislated


Person behind Imaam should not make recitation heard


Supplicating within prayer in other than Arabic language


Imaam performing supplication upon completing …


Finishing recitation before the Imaam


Spanking children for other than prayer


Obligation upon everyone on praying the Eed prayer


Saying Ameen in the Qunoot


Performing optional Prayers at home


Pray two rak’ahs during adhaan or wait?


Leaving a mosque close by to pray in another mosque


Prayer performed on first Friday of month of Rajab


Prayer behind Imaam supplicating upon completing …


Missed ‘Ishaa in masjid and people praying taraaweeh


Praying in area where people do Tawaaf when crowded


Taking different path when returning from ‘Eed Prayer


Obligation upon everyone on praying the Eed prayer


Prolonging the last prostration to make Du’aa


Salaah with cigarettes in one’s pocket


Prayer behind a sinner


Raising hands and rubbing face after supererogatory Prayer


Impurities upon one’s clothing whilst Praying


Revealing the awrah during prayer


Sunnah prayers explained

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