eBook Category: FATAWA


Volume 1: Taswir – Photocopying ID cards and documents that bear photographs


Volume 1: The major sins – State of a Muslim who dies as a believer


Volume 1: The major sins – Prohibition of calling anyone who drinks wine or commits Zina a Kafir


Volume 1: The major sins – State of a Muslim who dies insisting on committing a major sin


Volume 1: The major sins – Prohibition of calling anyone who drinks wine or commits Zina a Kafir


Volume 1: The major sins – Will a believer remain in the Fire eternally


Volume 1: The major sins – State of a Muslim who dies persisting in a major sin


Volume 1: The major sins – A soldier entering Jannah for killing others while defending his country


Volume 1: The major sins – State of a Muslim dying after deliberately killing a person


Volume 1: The major sins – Ruling on abandoning Salah even if without denying its obligation


Volume 1: The major sins – Adam descending to the earth after disobeying Allah and being forgiven


Volume 1: The major sins – Committing a major sin while living in a country that does not enforce Shari`ah


Volume 1: The major sins – Authenticity of the Hadith Whoever says ‘I am a believer’ is in fact a Kafir


Volume 1: The major sins – Working in Riba-based banks and illness as a remover of sins


Volume 1: The major sins – Shaving the beard and letting clothes trail


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Difference between major Shirk and minor Shirk


Volume 1: Major Shirk – The meaning of: And do not marry Al-Mushrikat


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Invoking other than Allah such as Jinn, the dead and absentees and those who follow idolatrous conventions


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Obeying Allah in His Legislations


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Salah behind someone who invokes other than Allah


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Why did Allah create all creatures


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Invoking Allah’s Peace upon the Messenger while facing his grave and deeds of major and minor Shirk


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Manifestations of Shirk in Muslim communities


Volume 1: Major Shirk – Violating `Aqidah out of ignorance

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